KMSI is experienced in delivering a variety of change initiatives. Our approach utilises evidence based management techniques to establish of the current state of operations and to develop the WIIFM factor for the various stakeholders and personnel across the organsiation. The simulation tools are integral to getting people on the same page quickly and on board and aligned to goals of the organisation. This combined approach creates a level of empowerment and energy to enable the change to be accelerated. At the centre piece of our transformation projects are:
alignment of the strategy
refinement of the business model through changing times
business acumen
assimilation of the impact to individual roles and responsibilities
partner planning
sales performance improvement
We have conducted significant engagements that have focused on both growth initiatives as well as efficiency drivers.
Thinking about the “Why”
Bernice McCarthy has promoted the 4MAT methodology for many years suggesting that in order for learning to progress efficiently they need to cross four major quadrants: Why, What, How, and What if/What else. The Why provides meaning for What we do and How we do it.
This approach translates even further into Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” approach; again focusing on Why, What and How. Simon suggests that this has translation into the finer points of a companies ethos and leadership.
KMSI has used and integrated these approaches in many of the programs, methodologies and processes we utilise.
Click on the links above explore further the concepts and enjoy.
Write us through our contact page and we can tell you more.