KMSI is a licensed Celemi Solution Provider and accredited facilitator for Celemi business simulations. KMSI has used these tools since 1992 and been delivering to clients since 1996 to thousands of participants. Celemi tools are used in various change management engagements to achieve alignment of perspective, to pressure test strategic initiatives and to develop business acumen or leadership competencies. With a unique methodology, The Power of Learning, Celemi translates critical and often complex information in a fun, engaging way that captures people’s attention and helps them to quickly gain skills necessary for organisational change.
KMSI works with MeetingQuality to improve the quality of project and other corporate interactions. Meeting are one of the most expensive regular occurrences in corporate life yet one of the least managed. This tool and KMSI’s transformation methodologies capture a massive ROI.
PMWorks is a project management organisation that provides resources and rigor to complex engagements and strategic change initiatives. KMSI and PMWorks leverage resources to increase outcomes to client engagements.
ISM is a strategic partner and RTO providing accredited management programs. ISM can also seek government funding to support various initiatives that qualify that link management accreditations. Many of the programs that KMSI delivers have competencies that can be assessed towards management accreditation.
Pelorus International is a sales consultancy specialising in organisational effectiveness, growth, channel alliance planning and management, and adopting customer centricity. A great addition to our family of sales acumen.
Team Building Made Easy is the first genuine retailer in Australia’s team building market. It is designed to make your life easy when it comes to finding and booking team building activities as it brings together easy searching and convenient booking. Team Building Made Easy is not a team building provider, instead they act as a broker to the thousands of team building providers that offer specific activities (like mediociryt to excellence) in the team building market.